Order status list

Status list for regular integration

payin_pendingWaiting for payment
auth_successPayment received
processing_payoutPayout in progress
pendingPending. More information can be found in the substatus.
expiredOrder session expired
refundedOrder successful refunded
finishedOrder successful finished
canceledOrder canceled
confirmation_pendingConfirmation pending

Status: Error

if status = error and payin_group = card you can find the reason why the transaction was declined in an Order data API call in the response field error_message or in a callback response in the field error_message.

Status: Canceled

if status = canceled you can find the reason why the order was declined here.

Substatus list

email_pendingEmail confirmation pending
verify_pendingVerification pending
identity_pendingIdentity verification pending
card_pendingCard verification pending
card_manual_pendingManual card verification pending
proof_pendingProof of income verification pending
address_pendingAddress verification pending
video_pendingVideo interview pending
partner_approve_pendingPartner approve pending Only for direct partners.

Status list for S2S integration

expiredOrder payment session has expired, order is not successful
canceledOrder was canceled
refundedOrder successful refunded. Can only appear after auth_success status

other statuses

Other statuses are not used in s2s integration and are sent only for compatibility with other integrations. In s2s integration they should be ignored. Error, expired and canceled statuses cannot be send after auth_success status.

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